I’m actually an INTP or ISTP

I'm re-writing this post. The MBTI is definitely not my forte. Astrology is what I'm best at when it comes to typology of people. I don't really want to explain why or how I'm an INTP because I think I could be wrong again. I just think it's the right type…

Analyzing my dreams

There's quite a few dreams I've had that really stand out. Rarely do I ever remember my dreams, even the one's I remember after waking up I forget after 10 minutes. But there's some dreams that I somehow haven't forgotten and have left a lasting impression on me. For all the…

Pride: Virtue or Vice

So it’s pride month again and conservatives are complaining as they always do at this time of year. They say pride is a sin, especially Jordan Peterson in his interviews, and most notably last year in his Twitter Ban video after he posted his response to Elliot Page. Peterson has also…

BMTH’s nEW aLbUm iS tHE FuCkiNg bOMb!

Bring Me The Horizon's latest album POST HUMAN: NeX GEn is one of the best albums I've heard in a while. It was a pleasant surprise to discover this album only a week after it was released because I wasn't initially planning for BMTH to release an album, mostly because I…

Kasper’s Lexicon

A list of words (some of them invented by me) with my own definitions. This list is continually growing and being refined. Abstraction -- A spiritual, immaterial, intangible, overarching grouping of perceptions into a word or concept. Allows the mind to hold a nearly infinite range of perceptual data units in…

Monster Epistemology

https://youtu.be/AWfrWx9KpCg Lack of knowledge makes the other a monster. Monsters provoke fear, preventing us from learning about the other. Interestingly, people completely incapable of feeling fear become quite curious. Where there is fear, there's usually a desperate desire to know at the same time. Fear prevents us from dying, annihilating our…

Does It Pay To Be Evil?

https://youtu.be/Mqw0b_b8oKg Introduction When I watched movies as a kid, I always liked the villains over the heroes. Heroes always seemed so boring, while the villains appeared cool, clever, dark, mysterious, and sexy. Take Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader for example. Which one seems cooler? Which one seems more badass? A silly…