Kasper’s Lexicon

A list of words (some of them invented by me) with my own definitions. This list is continually growing and being refined.

Abstraction — A spiritual, immaterial, intangible, overarching grouping of perceptions into a word or concept. Allows the mind to hold a nearly infinite range of perceptual data units in one data unit. Many abstractions, however, often don’t even unify any perceptions. These are anti-abstractions.

Anti-abstraction — A spiritual, immaterial, intangible data unit that does not actually group or overarch any perceptions. Gives the illusion of grouping perceptual data where there is none. In language, it is a powerful weapon of manipulation and control.

Capitalism — An individualist ideology and economic of system of non-sacrificial, free, voluntary trade among entities. Can easily become the sacrifice of the true self to capital and/or materialism.

Collectivism — An ideology of sacrifice of the true self to an abstraction of the collective, community, or society.

Communism — A collectivist ideology and economic system of sacrifice of the true self to the community, poor, and/or working class.

Community — An anti-abstraction. As a real abstraction it’s a collection of individuals.

Environment — The surrounding in which an entity resides. This surrounding is worthless, and often dangerous, until it has been exploited and/or shaped in a way that is protects against the weather and predators.

Fascism — A collectivist ideology and economic system of sacrifice of the true self to a race, nation, and/or the aristocracy.

Feudalism — A collectivist ideology and economic system of sacrifice of the true self to the aristocracy. A western caste system.

Feminism — A collectivist ideology of sacrifice of the true self to the female sex.

God — An anti-abstraction, a floating concept. There is no verifiable definition or agreed upon definition since there are no perceptual, concrete experiences to validate the concept. As a real abstraction “God” is a figment of the imagination, a fiction of the mind, usually depicted as a fatherly figure with a beard, to console the person that worships Him, especially when they pray.

Happiness — “A state of non-contradictory joy.” – Ayn Rand

Individual — An un-dividable. A slice of reality that is repeatedly divided until a single consciousness remains.

Like — The feeling of valuing an entity above some.

Love — The feeling of valuing an entity above all or most.

Money — An abstraction, usually symbolized with paper or numbers on a screen, that supposedly represents value that has been produced, generated or created.

Narcissism — The sacrifice of the true self to a false self.

Nation — An arbitrary division of geography enforced with borders and a state based on an arbitrary division of people with a “history” and set of “commonalities.”

Nationalism — A collectivist mindset of sacrifice of the true self to a region or country.

Psychopathy — The sacrifice of the true self or whole self to the lowest self, a piece of the self, or present self.

Power — An entity’s ability to influence or manipulate reality.

Race — An arbitrary division of people’s based on relative skin tone.

Racism — A collectivist state of mind. The sacrifice of the true self to a race.

Environmentalism — A collectivist state of mind. The sacrifice of the true self to the environment.

Sacrifice — A trade-off that is not in one’s self-interest. Usually, the sacrifice involves a god(s) or predatory entity (narcissist or psychopath), and a mystical epistemology.

Socialism — A spineless form of communism. Often used as a disguise for what’s actually fascism. The transient economic system from capitalism to communism.

Society — An anti-abstraction. As a real abstraction: a collection of individuals with arbitrary commonalities.

Technology — A tool(s) that increases power and/or changes how an entity’s power is expressed.