Analyzing my dreams

There’s quite a few dreams I’ve had that really stand out. Rarely do I ever remember my dreams, even the one’s I remember after waking up I forget after 10 minutes. But there’s some dreams that I somehow haven’t forgotten and have left a lasting impression on me.

For all the dreams I do remember, I only remember snapshots or brief, disjointed events. I’ve decided to begin drawing and painting my dreams. So far, I’ve painted one. Will update this post as I finish more paintings and thoughts for each dream.

Endless Stairs

In this dream I’m walking through a series of staircases. All there are are staircases to choose from. There’s even some behind me that you don’t see in this painting. Those staircases go down. These three in particular go up. I think at some point in the dream I decided to take the right staircase, but the dream ended before I could see what happened.

Is there any end to the staircases? I don’t know. I have a feeling that they all lead to the sky, to a white sky. Just an empty white sky. I talked to a figure in my dream earlier before the event the painting captured. This figure was an old man, I think, wearing all black robes, that didn’t really seem to provide any useful advice. He ended up taking the purplish stairs right in front of me.

I don’t know why everything is green. It’s not exactly green though. It’s a kind of aquatic green or teal green. I guess the stairs, which are made of some kind of stone, oxidize like copper. It’s a beautiful color, honestly. This is one of the more pleasant dreams I’ve had simply because of the way the stairs looked. I would have made the stairs in the painting more grainy and textured like stone, but I was afraid of overworking the painting.

I imagine this dream has something to do with my inability to make decisions. Despite being trapped in an endless series of staircases that seemingly went nowhere, I didn’t feel like it was a big deal.