Hi, my name is Kasperanza! :3 You can just call me Kasper.

I’m not really sure if there’s any real point to having a website when there’s YouTube and all that. I forgot to cancel the subscription for my domain name, so… I guess I may as well use my website for something. I’m glad I forgot because a website provides a unique way of expressing myself that feels liberating especially because no one really comes here. I can just say what I want and not really worry about it making sense or being useful to anyone.

I like to do many things. I’m a furry and fursuit maker, astrologer, philosopher, essayist, and artist. And an individualist, but that’s not something you do, that’s something you believe in. Although, as a belief, individualism would solve 99% of problems in politics and economics. If we adopted a philosophy of personal responsibility, “live and let live”, and “just want to be left alone”, the world would be a better place.

I began making fursuits in July 2023. I completed my first fursuit in April 2024. It’s probably one of the most exciting hobbies/skills I’ve ever picked up and I am super, ultra proud of my fursuit. I can’t wait to see what other characters/fursuits I make. I still have a lot to learn though before I become a professional, if I ever become a professional.

I like to draw and paint, but I’m not very good unfortunately, and I’m too distracted by my other intellectual pursuits to really sit down and learn. One day though, I hope to draw and paint the images in my imagination. It’s a shame how many skillful artists are out there, but they don’t use that skill to truly depict something beautiful.

I consider myself a wannabe philosopher, not a real philosopher. There’s still so much I need to read, in fact, I made an Ultimate Reading List because I seriously aspire to be a real philosopher one day. There’s so much to analyze and think about, before I would feel comfortable with the title of philosopher because it really is the most noble and greatest title someone could have, in my honest opinion. All ideas, all categories, cultures, concepts stem from philosophy. Without philosophy we are lost. When I read self-help in my teens, I knew something was missing. There was no depth or real solutions to the problems I was facing in self-help. That’s when I realized philosophy was the key to truly helping oneself. It’s not surprising that Ayn Rand is my favorite philosopher because she combines self-help with philosophical thought. She actually tells you how and why to pursue your self-interest and has a real philosophy behind it, which is pretty amazing.

Along with philosophy, being able to write about what you read and think about is vital, otherwise philosophy is impossible to actually do. Writing is clarified and refined thinking. So far, I’ve written a few essays. An essay on Monsters called DeMONstrations, one on evil, and another on the virtue of Pride. I hope to write many more like these in the future. My writing and ability to speak clearly still needs a ton of work, but I’ve made excellent progress. Along with my essays, I record video essays and post them on my YouTube channel. If I could choose my job, this is what I would like to do for a living.

Right now, I’m studying to be an Accountant. It’s not really what I want to do for a living, but it’ll provide me with good money and job security, so I’m not really complaining. I’m sure I’ll work out some kind of plan so that I could pursue my passions full time one day. Accounting, however, is “the language of business” and despite how “boring” it may seem, I think it’s an extremely useful skill to acquire. Business, finance, and accounting almost always involves analyzing data to predict future trends, and with me already being fascinated by predicting the future with astrology, accounting, especially in regards to reading financial statements, will be another useful skill for predicting the future. It’s another way to see the world and where the world is heading.

I’ve studied astrology for nearly a decade. At first, I kind of studied it because I found the symbols and signs really interesting. I didn’t really believe it was true. But over time, I really started to believe it. It’s not easy to explain how it’s true, I don’t know how it’s true. I just know there’s something about works. It predicts things! Maybe I’m a lunatic, but quite honestly, people that dismiss astrology without even taking the time to understand it are the real lunatics.

Before I gained any interest in astrology, philosophy, art and drawing, I was an avid video game player. Although, I didn’t get play very much as a kid. My parents didn’t like me playing so much, and rarely bought me any new games. One game in particular that I was drawn to was Mario Kart Wii. Many people love this game, but not like me. I played this game competitively online. I was so good and so competitive that I actually got onto the top 10 fastest time trial times for Bowser’s Castle. The BCWii glitch became my “thing,” my first real obsessive interest.

Personality-wise, I’m low in extraversion, medium in conscientiousness, low in agreeableness, high in openness, and high in neuroticism. I’m either an INTP or ISTP for the mbti, but leaning towards INTP, enneagram 4w5 or 5w4. Astrologically, I’m a Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn Rising.